Always fascinated by the concept of life. What is life? In short, for me tends to be that development in an environment where given enough time, for the atoms to settle, and given the initial universal patterns (cosmological universal conditions), they will eventually come to different configurations, with life being a tip of the development wave. But underlining: given enough time with relative stable initial conditions. Thinking on fast forward at this development, there are waves and waves of changes of the environment as well as in resulting configurations. On fast forward, Earth changes, local conditions change, universal conditions change. A great deal of adaptability exists, I think, when we think at local conditions change, in that even in a few generations of life waves, they are adjusting accordingly, and keeping on the tip of the wave. Visiting an island for more weeks gave me the opportunity to study some of the development, adaptability of life.
The life in the pond by the sea. Semi-salted water and very high temperatures. But life found a way or more ways to survive. For one, the slight salty water contains frogs, and on the other side, fish live in very hot water.